Write or Die

Posted by: Emma in

Or WorD writing group.

Well, I joined a writing group today - a face to face one, which I think is going to prove benificial to me and my writing. I stay locked up in my house way to much and the husband is right (don't tell him I said that) I do need to get out more. It's exactly the kind of group I have been looking for, while they focus on Sci-Fi, I think having fresh eyes that aren't fantasy obsessed might be a good thing. I am willing to bet all of them have read LOTR at some point in their lives, so if I can captivate a Sci-Fi group, my little novel just might stand a chance.

Writing Update HERE.

Meeting part two.

Posted by: Emma in

Okay, so either I am an idiot, he is or we both are, lol, but we totally got things screwed up. I waited for him until 6:20 and he waited for me until 6:15 in two different Panera Bread's within like 5 miles of each other. The Hubby said I can go to the writer's meeting Bill is attending on Thursday, so hopefully we will get together then.

Ha, I am so lucky. I got a night off tonight, I get one off tomorrow night, and one off on Thursday and possible on Friday as well. For a sahm, that's not to bad, four nights off in one week, I'm not sure I want to know what the husband did to be so nice, lol, and he gave 40$ too, I really don't want to know ;) he's a good boy, I don't have to worry about him, but I do wonder what he may have broken that I don't know about.


Posted by: Emma in

I have a meeting with another writer tonight. Y'all are probably thinking that's great, right, well, no, I'm a chicken, well, neurotic is a better name, I think. So I am nervous as hell, and driving even the dog nuts.
I didn't get the pictures of the socks taken, I'll try later today, right now I have a load of laundry to do, kids to feed and bunch of other things to do before I have to go. Oh, I got a new word count done for SF (Shadowed Friends)

Journal update HERE

Two Pair completed

Posted by: Emma in

I have two pairs of socks - one for Pink in of course pink and one for bugs in green - completed. I must admit that I cheated a little and found a Bond sock pattern, but hey, the kids wanted socks and I wasn't about spend hours and hours of time making socks they are going to grow out of in a week. I post the pictures of them tomorrow.

To Much To Do

Posted by: Emma in

I think my creative ADD is catching up to me. I need to start getting some of these projects done so I can start more, lol. Of course the girls keep adding to the list of things they want me to make for them - and I still haven't decided what I am doing with all that yarn my mother gave me! I need to decided on a project and just start it. I want something just for me self in those bright, beautiful alpaca colors.

Writing Journal update HERE. So far so good with keeping track of everything - though doing that adds about 15 minutes to my day, so I have gut some time out somewhere else. I'll figure it out.

Which Fantasy Character am I?

Posted by: Emma in

I am way to tired for a real post tonight, so this is one of those quizzes one takes to wast time, lol.

Raistlin Majere

An intensely private individual that chooses actions with care, you strive to further your own skills and powers.

This happens because I choose it to happen!

Raistlin is a character in the Dragonlance universe. He has a short biography at Wikipedia.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

New Look

Posted by: Emma in

I have decided that I would find as many free Hobbit web themes as I could and updated my personal website, my blog and my writing journal to reflect that. I have credited everyone that I could, so if I missed someone, I am sorry, drop me an email and I will either give the credit or find a replacement for the image and take it off my site. I hope you all like the new look.


Writing Journal

Posted by: Emma in

I have started a writing journal on another site. I hope it will help keep me on track and motivated, since it's a site for writers. You can see it HERE. It has two tools that I think will really help me. A WIP (Work in Progress) manager and a word count meter - and I can link the two. When I update the writing journal, I will post a link in my regular posts.

There is a Yarn Fairy and she loves me!!

Posted by: Emma in

My mother decided she need some of her black yarn back - but to make up for it she gave not 1, not 2, but 30, yes count them, 30 skeins of alpacka superfine yarn (5 of 6 different colors). I think I can give back 2 little balls of black yarn for that!

Posted by: Emma in

I started a scarf with some yarn my mother bought for me – it was Wool-ease from Pat Catain’s. I have a discount card there and she lets me get stuff when we go there, I save her a TON of money. Anyway, I really need to be working on the Christmas Stockings. I only have like 2 weeks to get that finished so I can stay on track.
Anyway, back to my scarf. It’s going to be huge. I am doing it on my ISM Bond knitting machine. I am trying some Illusion knitting with a few color blocks. When I am done with side one, I will have to knit a whole ‘nother side, but that’s okay, it’s going to be really cool and really warm!

Organizing update

Posted by: Emma in

Well, it's not going as well as I hoped - but I am getting writing done and a lot of knitting done. The ravelry site is really helping to organize and get my yarns and projects in order, so that's a help.

Ravelry is really cool. You need an invite right now to join - it's smiple, just put in your email address and wait for the invite to show up, then enjoy

Believe me it is worht the wait and you'll be suprized at all the great tips and things you will beable to find. - They even have a tool bar icon you can use to keep track of all those patterns you find on the net, and then lose the link - so you will never lose another pattern again!


Posted by: Emma in

My mother loves me. She gave me 4 – count them – 4 Skeins of black Alpaca Yarn – at like 8.50 per skein to make whatever I want. I am going to make myself some socks. They will be expensive socks, but they will be worth it, my feet are always cold.

Crazy Writing Goals

Posted by: Emma in

I joined NaNoWriYe (National Novel Writer’s Year) You pick a huge goal of novel writing words for the year of 2008 and then you go all out to reach the goal for the whole year. I picked 400,000. I think I should up the word count since I am close to that already. Maybe something that might make me work for it 800,000. It’s a doable goal for as much as I write and it will keep me on task with my writing – and I can count Scrip Frenzy in April and NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer’s Month) in November. So that’s like Three Birds with one stone.